
Relationship Advice

 Relationship Advice


 Relationship Advice

Open up to hope and new possibilities

Relationship Issues

Some mornings, we may awaken filled with thoughts of what is wrong in our lives. 

Perhaps we are obsessed with our failures or the limits of our relationships.

If we let ourselves sink into self-loathing, we build a wall that separates us from those things that nurture us and give us joy.

When we awaken to the living and growing world, our spirits lift and open up to hope and new possibilities. 

Relationships Tips

Walking along an old sidewalk or across an abandoned parking lot, we see cracks in the concrete or asphalt and new green growth pushing through.

Where there is enough soil to hold a seed, there is the possibility of a tree some day. 

The universe seizes opportunities for renewal that slip through slightest opening.

There is always hope for renewal in our relationships, when we are willing to plant the seeds and feed them, so that they can grow.

Name an experience that has shown you the seeds for new growth.

Relationship Advice for Men

In our culture, being a person typically man
means that being robust and not showing feelings.

 We tend to understand during this life that those area unit silly and immature myths, despite the fact that we tend to see them repeatedly on TV, on Billboards, and in Newspapers.After we area unit told this stuff repeatedly, it makes an effect on us. Therefore we want to listen to from one another that this can be not the manner we tend to want to measure.

Relationship help

We tend to don’t admire these attitudes, and that we don’t believe the stories.
Truly stalwart men understand themselves.
They have been around enough to possess depth to their souls, to let themselves love, and to feel the pain of life.

It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more “manhood” to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind.
                              --Alex Karras

 Today, lam grateful to know and share my feelings and to have genuine relationships with those I love.

source:- starteller 

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